Reasons for becoming a doctor:
In becoming a doctor, I will have learned the necessary skills to diagnose people, and help treat whatever problem they have. This is essential to me because I will be able to not only practice medicine on my patients, but I will be able to help my family and friends stay healthy. I will meet many doctors to whom I can refer my family or friends to be helped when needed. This is very motivational to me, because in the end, family is everything, and the money I make will simply become a plus to my job.
A doctors whole objective is to save lives. That motivates me to know that every patient I would be treating is laying down his life on my hands, which puts a lot of pressure on me, pushing me to work at my best ability to save a life. A doctors objective isn’t something like fixing a car, which of course we need cars, but it is not life threatening. A doctors objective is to save lives, and it is potentially life threatening to patients. This creates a sense of importance for doctors, and even more to me, because I don’t see what could be more magnificant than saving another persons life.
In life, any time we work for something, the feeling of accomplishment creates the reward feel much greater than just being handed something. As a doctor, I will never stop learning or striving for more, because medicine is constantly evolving, and there is always something interesting and new to learn. Knowing that I worked my ass off, but eventually it paid off and I became a doctor is something unexplainable. As a doctor, I will rarely have time to stand still and do absolutely nothing, which will make the times where I am not working feel much more enjoyable. When it comes down to it, if you are doing nothing, you get bored of life, and it seems like you would have no purpose.
As a doctor, the effects of your work can be seen right off the back. When performing a surgery, the results of the surgery are immediate after the surgery, which involves whether you helped the patient, or not. There is as immediate feedback for a majority of the medical jobs, which is rewarding because I will get to see the real time effects of my work.
As a doctor, instead of panicking in high stressed situations, and solving nothing, you are demanded to think in a stressed situation, and come up with a solution. I have noticed in myself, that often when faced with a problem, I fix it as soon as possible, and instead of panicking, in my mind I immediately begin to think of a possible reason, and more important a way to fix whatever happened. This is something doctors do on a regular basis, which is very appealing to me. I enjoy finding the reason behind something and the solution.